I Am Red
A community outreach and multimedia body of work utilizing fairytale iconography and symbolism, created in response to national statistics on the occurrence of sexual assault. This series includes book arts, mixed media, and animations inspired by imagery from Charles Perrault’s 1697 fairytale, Little Red Riding Hood. I Am Red juxtaposes themes of innocence and brutality to portray the complexities inherent to sexual violence.
Every Two Minutes
winner of:
PIXIE International Platinum award
Gold International CINDY Award for PSA
International CINDY award Special achievement award in sound
3D Con, First Time Presenters Award
The images for the animation Every Two Minutes are from an altered book that Baker created, each tree being carved from a page in a book. The book itself is too fragile to be experienced by the viewer. In collaboration with Curvin Huber the animation was created to maintain the essence of paper so that the experience would parallel that of the altered book, transporting the viewer into the fantastical world of Fairy Tale
Stories Not Told
The Interactive installation of 720 books, Stories Not Told; made in part by the Mass Cultural Council, and in collaboration with students from the Margarita Muniz School, Maynard High School, Lesley Art and Design students, with the help of Studio Producer, Vivian Dao, visually symbolize the statistical number of assaults from Every Two Minutes. Each book contains 120 pages, 30 single pieces of paper sewn together, symbolizing an hour of assaults. The title stems from the knowledge that sexual assault survivors are often shamed into silence because societal norms and fear prevent them from sharing their story, which can perpetuate feelings of being victimized. The books in my interactive installation have been deliberately left blank so that survivors may anonymously share their stories by writing in the books if they desire, hopefully regaining ownership and control of their own narratives.